New Dean, Education, Inuit & University Studies - Rebecca Mearns

Rebecca Mearns, Dean, Education, Inuit & University Studies for Nunavut Arctic College

Rebecca Mearns, Dean, Education, Inuit & University Studies for Nunavut Arctic College

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Rebecca Mearns as the new Dean - Education, Inuit and University Studies at Nunavut Arctic College. She will lead territory-wide delivery of Education, Inuit and University Studies including, leadership of the college’s Piqqusilirivvik Cultural School in Clyde River.

Rebecca joins the college with a wealth of experience having served as an instructor at Nunavut Sivuniksavut; Manager at the Qikiqtani Inuit Association and Researcher at Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. Prior to these roles she served as a regular member (Constable) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).

Ms Mearns holds an undergraduate degree in Sociology with minors in Law and Aboriginal Studies as well, as a graduate degree in Geography from Carleton University. She will assume her duties on August 15th 2018.

We would like to thank Peesee Pitsiulak, Fiona Buchan-Corey and Markoosie Qaunirq for their service on the selection committee for this important role.

NAC Communications